Monday, 14 March 2011

Travel Destination (Melaka)

Melaka Travel Destination , Malaysia

( Kawasan Pelancongan Di Melaka , Malaysia )

The Porta de Santiago is one of the four main gates of the A Famosa fortress. It was built by the Portuguese in 1512 under the command of Alfonso de Albuquerque, the leader of the Portuguese army that seized Malacca in 1511.
..This historical edifice dominates Malacca's renowned Dutch Square, or also known as the Red Square because of the crimson coloured old buildings there. Also located at the Square is Christ Church, the former Dutch Reformed Church of Malacca....
This strawberry-coloured church of Dutch architecture was built in 1753. Each of the huge rafters in the nave was carved from a single tree trunk while the handmade pews are original, dating back some 200 years.....
Originally, it was a chapel, known to the early Portuguese in Malacca as the Chapel of the Mother of God....
The fort, on top of St John's Hill, was constructed by the Dutch during the third quarter of the 18th century. It had once been a private Portuguese chapel dedicated to St John the Baptist....
The well, the oldest in Melaka, was built in 1459 by the followers of Hang Li Po, the Chinese princess who married the Sultan of Melaka. In the olden days, the well never dried up and was the only source of water during the great droughts....
..This mausoleum is situated in Tanjung Kling area which is just a less than 15 minutes drive from my place in Tanjung Minyak and around 30 minutes drive from Banda Hilir....
..The 'Straits Chinese', also called the Baba and Nyonya, are Chinese of noble descent who have adopted much of the Malay culture into theirs...
From St Paul’s Hill, you can catch a glimpse of this unique Maritime Museum that is shaped like a Portuguese ship. The Flora De La Mar is a Portuguese ship that sank off the Coast of Malacca...
The Melaka Sultanate Palace (a replica of the Melaka Sultan's palace during the period of the Melaka Sultanate) is located at the foot of St Paul's Hill.....
..Built in 1984, the Portuguese Square will remind you of a tiny town in Portugal. The square is a great place for relaxation and dining....
This house is architecturally resplendent and signature to Melaka's 19th century artistic style. Built by a Chieftain named Penghulu Abdul Ghani, its intricate wood carving forms the unique façade as well as the interior section of the house. ..
A large theme park, highlighting the culture and life of the people of Malaysia and other ASEAN countries...
Zoo Melaka is in the historical state of Melaka South Peninsular Malaysia. It is strategically located in Ayer Keroh with many attractions and is convenient to visitors to get there from within Melaka and from other states. ..
Cheng Ho Cultural Museum Malaysia
...Cape Rachado (also known as Tanjung Tuan), take a short trek uphill from the beach, and you will find a classic, whitewashed lighthouse built on top of a fort-like foundation structure...

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